Potential revision of EU legislation on reprotoxins: Second Consultation

23 oktober 2018

Risk & Policy Analysts (RPA), Verisk 3E, Mayer Brown and FoBiG have been contracted by the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) to support a possible revision of the EU legal framework regulating occupational exposure to reprotoxic substances.

This framework comprises (amongst others) Directive 2004/37/EC (Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive, CMD) and Directive 98/24/EC (Chemical Agents Directive, CAD).

The stakeholder consultation exercise for this study is divided into two stages. The aim of the first phase was to analyse current exposure to reprotoxic substances. The purpose of the second (current) stage is to assess the impacts of policy options for changing the CAD and CMD. An overview of the policy options considered in this study can be downloaded here.

The second stage of consultation for this study comprises:

  • Questionnaires: Please complete the questionnaire by 7 November 2018. The questionnaire can be found here. Please share the questionnaire as widely as possible.
  • Telephone interviews: these will serve the purpose of generating information for a more comprehensive assessment of the impacts of the policy options. Please indicate your interest in taking part in a telephone interview by replying to this email or in the questionnaire. The deadline for the telephone interviews is 13 November 2018.
  • Round-table discussion in Brussels: this will bring together interested stakeholders to further discuss the potential impacts likely to arise from the different policy options. The tentative date for the discussion is 12 November 2018. The number of places is limited to 25-30 and you are advised to register your interest as soon as possible by completing this form.
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